Friday, March 16, 2012

How sad is this?

I'm not one to judge people. At least, that's what I like to tell myself. We all like to believe we're non-judgmental because at some point in our lives we were convinced that this was the way to relate to one another fairly.

That said, I don't like to point out faults in other people's appearances because I'm not exactly Mr. Universe myself. Yeah, I have the soft midsection and the crooked nose. I get that, and it's fine, because I have other things going on that give me the confidence to not really care that much about "imperfections" I consider to be pretty minor.

But when a guy comes along who goes to the extremes the guy in this video goes to, I have to wonder. Now, I'm not judging his quality on the weirdly cartoonish way he looks. Clearly he thinks he looks great, and that's fine. It's the motivation behind this much surgery that's cause for concern. I consider plastic surgery reconstructive surgery -- useful for disfiguring accidents, but it can be disfiguring when applied to a healthy body.

In this case, I think it shows a serious issue with self-image to begin with. But it also demonstrates an unusual set of shortcuts that are, frankly, dishonest. Pec implants? Bicep implants? Abdominal etching? These are procedures designed to take the "work" out of "work out," and they're cheats.

One thing I know about shortcuts: they never solve the problem. In the end, it's going to take a lot more work to maintain than a set of crunches, push ups, and dumbbell curls. And because it's done cosmetically, it's only a veneer. With the results, though, he has no incentive to actually exercise. And that may be the most dangerous and tragic result of this whole story.

My opinion: don't do this.


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